Tuesday, March 22, 2011

She's so sweet!

Hello friends!
I've been busy, busy, busy....making cards, doing layouts, etching glasses, making name tags, etc. The work of a serious crafter is never done! But I must admit, I'm having a blast! I don't get a chance to post regularly, but I've promised myself - because technically, this blog is for me...that I would at least get something written down at least once a month....Sometimes I don't have something good to say...and what were we taught as children? "If you don't have something good and nice to say, then don't say anything." Well, I've pretty much stuck to that old adage. And besides, there are days when I have plenty to say...but I'm too dang tired to say it! Amazing huh? Anyway, the picture here is of an image that was used in one of our weekly Friday Nite Chat challenges....isn't she sweeeeeeeet? Adorable even. I had a good time putting this card together....I don't know who it will go to yet....but it's ready to go! Thanks for looking! Hugs + Kisses

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