Monday, February 1, 2016

29 Faces 2016: Day 1

Hey y'all!

It's that time of year again.

When I commit to drawing, sketching, making a collage or painting of FACES. That's it. One face a day for the month of February.

I have to admit that even though I painted or sketched faces almost every month, I didn't join in on posting them to my blog or any other site for that matter in 2015. But I do like to see how my faces change. I  guess it depends on my mood.  Some times, I don't even hold on to what I've created. Sometimes I'm so disappointed in the end that it goes into the trash. Sometimes I feel like it just needs to be "tweaked." And sometimes I'm tickled pink with how it turned out. So, we'll see how it goes for 2016....

This month, I have more time.  At least of of the projects or orders that were bogging me down are now complete. It's not work anymore. Now it's time for some plain old "me time fun."

Here's a pic of my quick FEBRUARY 1 face


Yup. Plenty of things wrong...but keep going I must....

I'd like to try something a little new for me this year. Which is to post the pics of faces no matter what's 'wrong'. If  I've drawn or sketched, makes no difference on what,  no matter if I like it or not! I'm going to post for this challenge! I'm always so very critical of my own work when it comes to faces....

But like they say (whoever THEY are, ha ha) practice makes perfect right?!

Thanks for stopping by...Please leave a comment and tell me what you think.


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