Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who says that scrapping can't be inspiring?

Hey there friends, it's me again.....

Every single, solitary day...I log onto a wonderful site: "Scraps of Color"...a site for African American Scrapbookers...(Yup, gotta give it a shout out!) for all ages, economic backgrounds, professionals, moms, daughters, aunts, nieces, sisters, sistahs, and friends; all at different levels of the craft known as "scrapping." You name it. We're there! It's a wonderful place to create, share, learn, encourage each other and yes, fellowship. And because I'm able to do just that, I've developed some wonderful relationships with some of the women there. Granted, we have never met face to face. But through God's grace, I believe that each of these women have come into my life for a season or some reason. And I'd like to think that they speak the same about me.

One of the best things about these women is that we can talk about anything and everything from A - Z. And those of us that have sense don't openly judge or criticize each other...because let's face it...even though we have developed such a great bantering, have oodles of fun, and laugh until we can't breathe...we still don't "know each other," right? Wrong! I'm in the mindset that some of us have developed a much more deeper relationship than others. Inspiring! And I'm loving it!

It's nice being able to share of love of what we do with each other...including our favorite tips and techniques, teaching one another some things that we never tried before, and reintroducing some of us to things that we had previously given up on. This, to me, is also inspiring.

Thanks to the layout of the site, we're able to post pictures/photos of our work. We get to see what everyone's working on...all of the wonderful, beautiful creations...Again, can you spell inspiring? There are places to post questions, so - you have questions about something? Ask away! We complete "challenges" regularly - again inspiring us to try a specific thing. We have "swaps," where we complete a specific number of our products and trade them with each other. This gives us a chance to get our hard work out there and seen by others. Inspiring us to continue participating regularly.

If you don't belong to the group....you should come on over and give it a try. It's so much more than "just something to do." It's INSPIRING!

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